In 2008 the Synod of Bishops met to discuss the Word of God. The working document Instrument Laboris, which claimed as a certainty that “with regards to what might be inspired in the many parts of Sacred Scripture, inerrancy applies only to ‘that truth which God wanted put into sacred writings for the sake of salvation’ (DV 11)”, was debated in Catholic and Christian circles. The bishops decided to pass the question on to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith:
Proposition 12: Inspiration and truth in the Bible
The synod proposes that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith clarify the concepts of “inspiration” and “truth” in the Bible, along with their reciprocal relationship, in order to better understand the teaching of Dei Verbum 11. In particular, it’s necessary to emphasize the specific character of Catholic Biblical hermeneutics in this area.
On this topic, the thesis On the Inerrancy of Scripture by Fr. Thomas Bolin is now on the website.
Sections of the work
The Rule of Faith Proven by Authority
The Rule of Faith Considered by Reason